If you have an automatic renewal - more than 7 days until your renewal date
Your policy renewal date can be found on your renewal invite. Use this renewal preference form to change your renewal preferences. You can start or stop your automatic renewal or lapse your policy online.
To update your renewal preference, you will need to enter your policy details here. It’s really important that the policy details are entered correctly, as any errors could mean your request can’t be processed. This could result in payment being taken from your account or there being no cover in place in the event of a claim.
If you have an automatic renewal - Less than 7 days until your renewal date
Your policy renewal date can be found on your renewal invite. If your renewal date is in the next 7 days, you will be unable to use this renewal preference form. To change your renewal preferences or lapse your policy, please contact U K Insurance Ltd on 0345 246 0449 / TypeTalk: 18001 0345 246 0449 to ensure that the appropriate action is taken before the start of your new policy year. Failure to contact U K Insurance Ltd could result in payment being debited from your account.
If you have a manual renewal
You must contact U K Insurance Ltd on 0345 246 0449 to ensure that your policy will be renewed before the start of your new policy year. Failure to do this could result in your cover lapsing and there being no cover in place in the event of a claim.