Mortgage calculator

Mortgage calculators

Mortgage calculator

Find out what we may be able to lend you and what your monthly repayments could be. Takes less than five minutes.

Agreement in Principle

It's a more accurate indication of how much you could borrow, won't impact your credit score and takes less than 10 minutes.

Mortgage rate finder

Compare our mortgage rates and products. Get an indication of product fees and what your monthly repayments could be.

Home equity calculator

Already own your home? You could calculate the amount of equity you have in your property in as little as a minute. 

Our mortgage calculator is designed to help people looking for different types of mortgage. Simply choose the options most relevant to you.

First time buyer mortgage calculator

Looking for your first mortgage? Find out how much you may be able to borrow with the deposit you have, and get an understanding of what your mortgage repayments could be. Use our first time buyer calculator to start the journey to your first home.

Remortgage calculator

If you have a mortgage with a different lender, you could remortgage and move your mortgage to us. Use our remortgage calculator by giving a little information about your current mortgage to see our remortgage deals.

Buy to let mortgage calculator

If you're looking to purchase a property to rent out, see how much you may be able to borrow on a buy to let mortgage with our calculator. You can get a quick indication or a more personalised AIP, and get an idea of what your monthly repayments could be.

Moving home?

If you're looking for your next property, you can use our mortgage calculator to get an indication of how much you may be able to borrow.

Calculating how much you could borrow

How much mortgage can I afford?

Our mortgage calculator can help you get an initial indication of how much money you may be able to borrow towards the purchase of a property. It also helps you understand what your potential monthly repayments could be.

Does the mortgage calculator impact my credit score?

No, using our mortgage calculator tool or getting an Agreement in Principle won't have any impact on your credit score. We would only conduct a full credit check with credit reference agencies if you went on to formally apply for a mortgage with us.

When should I use the mortgage calculator?

You can use our mortgage calculator as many times as you like, whenever you like. Generally, it makes sense to use it at the start of your journey to purchase a property, or if you are looking to remortgage to us. You can use it to get an initial understanding of what you may be able to afford, monthly repayments and potential interest rates.

A few more frequently asked Mortgage Calculator questions

Could you save money by overpaying?

Mortgage overpayment calculator

You could save money on interest payments by making regular monthly overpayments or paying a lump sum (subject to the terms of your mortgage).

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