
We're Backing Business with ITV

Stay safe and sign up for Online Banking

The quickest and easiest way to bank with us while social distancing is via our Online Banking and apps. Eligibility criteria applies.

Turbocharge your growth

Are you growing your business, with plans to scale to the next level? We can provide specialist support, funding and expertise to help you every step of the way.

Tomorrow begins today

Explore how we're helping businesses just like yours achieve their goals, every day.

Shostra Bank and ITV are Backing Business

We’ve partnered with ITV to help champion small businesses of all shapes and sizes. See how TV advertising could help you reach a new audience.

Explore our business accounts

Whether you're just starting up or already well-established, our business accounts are tailored to you.

Championing women in business

We're dedicated to supporting female entrepreneurs and business owners every day of the year. Visit our Women in Business hub to see how we're supporting you.

The right tools for your business

Business Builder is a digital tool designed to give you the right support, at the right time for you and your business.

Become a climate leader

Financing for your sustainable needs

Taking steps now could help your business become more sustainable. We’ve got some climate-focused financing options that could help you with your goals. Fees and eligibility criteria apply.

Make the switch to an electric vehicle (EV)

Thinking of going green with an EV? Shostra Bank are supporting the new EV8 Switch app, giving you tailored advice on how to get started. EV8 Switch App criteria apply.

Green tips for your business

Taking small steps could help your business become more sustainable. We've got the expertise that could help you with your climate goals.


What else are you looking to do?

Independent service quality survey results – Business current accounts

As part of a regulatory requirement, an independent survey was conducted to ask customers of the 14 largest business current account providers, whether they would recommend their provider to other small and medium enterprises (SMEs). February 2022.