If you have borrowed less than 25% of the annual turnover you stated on your original Bounce Back Loan application form, you are eligible to apply for a Top-Up
The combined value of your original loan and Top-up cannot exceed 25% of your originally stated turnover, and is subject to an overall cap of £50,000. You may only apply for a Top-Up once
The minimum borrowing amount for a Top-Up is £1,000
An interest rate of 2.5% per annum applies on the Top-Up. This is the same interest rate which applies to your existing Bounce Back Loan
Government covers the interest on the Top-Up up to the date on which your original interest free period on your existing Bounce Back Loan expires (i.e. 12 months after the initial draw-down of the original loan amount)
No capital repayments are required up to the date on which your repayment holiday on your existing Bounce Back Loan expires (i.e. 12 months after the initial draw-down of the original loan amount)
The term of the Top-Up will expire on the same date as the term of your original Bounce Back Loan