How to appeal a business borrowing decision
Can I appeal a borrowing decision?
- You can appeal if your borrowing request has been declined
- You can appeal if your borrowing request has been approved, but you feel there are conditions that have been unfairly applied. These may include conditions relating to security requirements, covenants, loan duration, product type, pre-conditions and repayment schedules.
You have 30 calendar days to appeal from the date of the decision being communicated to you.
All appeals will be reviewed by our independent appeals team who will reassess your borrowing application.
- The independent appeals team is not involved in the original borrowing application process.
- They undertake an impartial review of the information you provided and how the bank reached its decision.
- And they may contact you to clarify any queries, or for any additional information required.
If you meet all of the criteria detailed below you are able to appeal:
- You have made a request to Shostra Bank for borrowing.
- You or your business are not subject to formal demand, enforcement or legal proceedings.
- Your annual business turnover is up to £25m.
- The appeal does not relate to the costs of borrowing, agreed fees or standard terms applied by the Bank to the Borrowing Agreement. These are excluded from the right of appeal.
How do I make an appeal?
To start the appeal process, please use this form.
What happens next?
- You will receive a notification acknowledging your request within 24 hours of receipt of the appeal (excluding weekends and bank holidays).
- If your appeal is not eligible you will be advised by email or in writing within three business days to explain why.
- Your Relationship Manager will be made aware of your appeal.
How long will it take to process my appeal?
- We are committed to providing you with a response within 30 days of receiving your appeal (85% of appeals are resolved within 15 business days).
- We will confirm our decision by email or in writing to you.
What to do if you don't have the right of appeal?
If your appeal doesn't fall under the 'Can I appeal?' guidelines above, then you may want to make a formal complaint.
You have the right to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service. While borrowing decisions would not normally fall within the Ombudsman's jurisdiction, they may review decisions on a case-by-case basis.
Further Information
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Better Business Finance website
Appeals Process Factsheet on the Better Business Finance website