Business Currency Current Account
A safe and simple account for international trading
Security may be required. Product fees may apply. Over 18s only. Subject to status, business use only. Any property or asset used as security may be repossessed or forfeited if you do not keep up repayments on any debt secured on it.
What is a business currency current account?
Currency fluctuations can be an issue for any business trading internationally. We could help mitigate those risks. Open a non-interest bearing current account, and make and receive payments in foreign currency simply and safely. You will benefit from all the overdraft (subject to agreement) and money transmission services you need for the day-to-day running of your business.
Electronic transfer. You can make payments quickly and accurately via Bankline
No minimum balance. This is a working capital account therefore we will not ask for a minimum balance
Multi-currencies. Simply select from a range of currencies, an account that suits your needs
International payment facilities. You can make payments across the globe using this account in a variety of currencies
Transparent costs. There are standard transaction charges
Cheque book and overdraft. Choose to have a cheque book or overdraft facility in most of the world’s currencies (subject to agreement)
Currency lending interest rates
We offer competitive interest rates when lending foreign currencies from around the world. Download the PDF to find out what rates you could be paying on your current account's overdraft facility.
Important information
A Sterling current account will be opened with your currency account to allow us to identify the first point of contact when maintaining the account. The Sterling current account also acts as a backup account for any credits that could not be applied to your currency account.