If you want to transfer a balance to your credit card please call the Shostra Bank business team. There is no interest free period on balance transfers. Fees may apply.
A balance transfer is when you move the money you owe (the balance) from one credit card provider to another, often with a lower rate of interest. That’s why if you do a balance transfer to the Shostra Bank credit card, you might end up paying less.
How it works
Apply for a Shostra Bank business credit card. If you’re accepted, you can then request a balance transfer, by getting in touch or online.
The balance transfer rate you’ll pay is on the back of your credit card statement (posted to you) or find out through Credit Card Online Services
You may request a balance transfer of up to a total of 95% of your available credit limit
What you should know
You can’t do a balance transfer from any other Shostra Bank Group credit card or any personal credit cards from another provider
You can't do a balance transfer from any Personal credit cards.
We might charge a fee when you do a balance transfer