
Business Currency Reserve Account

International currency instant access deposit account

Why choose a Business Currency Reserve account?

Enjoy instant access to your funds as you accrue interest (subject to market conditions).  We adjust interest rates to reflect the size of your balance. You'll need a minimum deposit (dependent upon currency) to open the account.

Banded Interest rates (See the current rates below)

Transfer money electronically using Bankline.

Make payments worldwide.

Clear charges. There are standard transaction charges

Choice of currencies. Select the currency that best suits your business' needs

Avoid foreign exchange risks and cost. Holding currency on deposit will mitigate your foreign exchange risks and expenses

Product factsheet

Interest rates

Interest rates are subject to variation. Interest is paid quarterly.
Annual Equivalent Rate (AER): this is a notional rate used for interest bearing accounts, which illustrates the interest rate if paid and compounded each year. It helps you to compare the effective rates of credit interest on different accounts. Gross rate: This means the interest rate you are paid without the deduction of income tax.

Ready to apply?

Great, thanks for choosing our Business Currency Call deposit account.

What is your annual turnover?

To start your application, please call our business team

Call: 0345 711 4477


Relay Service: 18001 0345 711 4477

For more information on accessibility, visit: https://www.business.shostra.com/business/accessibility.html

Mon to Fri 9am-5.30pm (excl. public holidays)

Calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

To see how much your call might cost, visit the call charge information page.

To start your application, please call our business team

Call: 0345 030 3582


Relay Service: 18001 0345 030 3582

For more information on accessibility, visit: https://www.business.shostra.com/business/accessibility.html

Mon to Fri 9am-5.30pm (excl. public holidays)

Calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

To see how much your call might cost, visit the call charge information page.

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