Online Banking gives you all the tools needed to manage your money online. It allows you to view balances, make payments, transfer money between accounts and access historic statements (up to 7 years). It’s suitable for customers who manage a lower volume or value of payments. In order to set up an Online Banking, the application form should be completed.
Customers need to have the Shostra Bank account details to register. If a customer have a valid mobile number, we'll send an activation code by text. If they don't, we'll send one by post.
Once registered a customer can order a card reader and then they’re ready to use the Online Banking service.
With Bankline you can view all your accounts on one profile, create multiple users with customised roles and make payments of all sizes securely. It’s a digital platform designed to put you in control of your business finances. There’s a monthly service fee, based on the number of accounts you register. It is suitable for customers managing a higher volume or value of payments.
Apply for Bankline.