Fraud guide

Look out for covid scams

Staying aware during Covid

We’ve seen an increase in criminals exploiting the coronavirus and using the below as part of their scam tactics.

Things to look out for...

Emails offering health updates or cures

Emails that look like they come from trusted organisations, like the World Health Organisation (WHO).  The email contains an attachment claiming to provide safety measures to combat coronavirus. On opening Malwere infects your device that monitors your online activity and captures your information.

Claims you are due to receive a tax refund

Criminals are bombarding mailboxes with emails saying you’re entitled to a tax refund due to coronavirus – but it’s a trick.  HMRC will never contact you by email to discuss tax refunds, so don’t click or respond.  Report emails like this to phishing@HMRC.gov.uk

Purchase scams

Watch out for emails, ads, posts, texts or phone calls advertising anything to do with coronavirus – whether it’s for facemasks, vaccines or access to testing kits – any deals that look too good to be true usually are.  These approaches are very likely to be a scammer trying to get their hands on your money or personal details – make sure you don’t give them what they want.

Offers to make quick money

There has been a huge increase in criminals trying to lure people into becoming money mules through ‘get rich quick’ job offers during these uncertain times. If a job ad looks too good to be true – it probably is and the personal consequences of allowing criminals to pay money through your account can be life-changing.  Reject any offers of cash to let someone else use your bank account, it’s simply not worth it!

Scammers pretending to be from a trusted company

Scammers pretending to be from well known companies such as the NHS or companies you trust may claim to provide a vaccination for a fee

Way to keep safe

  1. 01

    Stay alert to suspicious phone calls, texts or emails from anyone claiming to be from the bank or other trusted organisations. We’ll never ask you to share your full PIN, password, card reader code, one time passcode or to move money from your account.

  2. 02

    Never download attachments, software or let anyone remotely log into your computer following a call or email you’ve received out of the blue

  3. 03

    If you are ever asked to do any of these things, refuse and contact us immediately using the number on the back of your card or a number you trust. If possible, call us back from a different phone or mobile.

    For all the latest fraud and scam insights including real life examples so you know what to watch out for, follow us on social media




  4. 04

    Add and extra layer of security by installing software to protect your data. We've partnered with industry leader Malwarebytes to make simpler for you. Click here to find out more

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