Savings and Investments

Find the right savings account for you

Savings account or investment? You choose

Find out more about different options below - from flexible instant access savings, longer-term investing options, tax-free ISAs to children's savings.

Whether you're new to saving, or more of an expert, we're here to help you find the right option to help you plan for your future. 

No Cards Matched

Digital Regular Saver

Join over 600,000 customers (as at Apr 2022) who save every month with our go-to regular savings account

Commonly used for:

Getting into a regular savings habit

Flexibility in building up a savings pot

Achieving the higher interest rate on balances up to £1,000

Plus, you could top up with Round Ups

Key info
  • Instant Access
  • Save between £1 - £150
  • Apply online only in 5 minutes
Interest rate

AER/Gross p.a (variable)

3.25% Gross / 3.30% on balances up to £1,000
0.30% on balances from £1,001 - £5,000
0.10% on balances over £5,000

Exclusively for current account customers, aged 16 and over. residents only.

Instant Saver

Our simplest, easy access savings account

Key info
  • Instant access
  • Start saving with just £1
  • Apply online in 5 minutes
Interest rate

AER/Gross p.a. (variable)

0.10% Balances of £1+

Exclusively for current account customers, aged 16 and over.

Premium Saver

Earn a better rate of interest on balances over £25,000

Commonly used for: 

Earning higher interest on larger pots of savings

Note: all our savings accounts are protected by the FSCS guarantee up to a certain limit. For more info see the bottom of this page.

Plus, you could top up with Round Ups


Key info
  • Instant access
  • Start with just £1
  • Apply online in 5 minutes
Interest rate

AER/Gross p.a. (variable)

0.15% Balances between £25,000 and £1,000,000.
0.10% Balances under £25,000, over £1,000,000

Exclusively for current account customers, aged 16 and over.

Shostra Bank Invest

A simple way to start investing for your future

Commonly used for: 

    Growing your savings and maximising returns over the longer term

    A simple and affordable way to help make your money work harder for you and your family

    Withdraw at any time, although investing is designed for the longer term


Key info
  • Start saving from £50
  • Choose from 5 funds - cautious to daring
  • Managed by Coutts investment managers

The value of investments can go down as well as up. Your capital is at risk. Eligibility criteria, fees and charges apply.

First Saver

Make a difference to their future with our children's savings account

Commonly used for: 

Helping children learn how to save

Storing pocket money

Saving for your child's future

Plus, you could top up with Round Ups

Key info
  • Instant access
  • Apply online in 5 minutes
  • Hold account in trust for a child
Interest rate

AER/Gross p.a. (variable)

0.45% Balances of £1+

Eligibility criteria and conditions apply.

Fixed Rate ISA

Earn interest tax-free & fix your interest rate for 1 or 2 years

Commonly used for: 

Locking away spare savings for use in the future

Maximising tax-free interest earned

Certainty on what interest you'll earn on your savings

Key info
  • Tax-free interest on balances up to £20,000
  • Terms of 1 or 2 years
  • £1,000 min. deposit
Interest rate

AER/Gross p.a. (fixed)

1.00% 1 year term
1.20% 2 year term

You must be 16 or over, resident for tax purposes and must not have subscribed to another cash ISA in the same tax year.

Cash ISA

Earn interest tax-free & access your savings anytime

Commonly used for: 

Earning interest on savings that would otherwise be taxed

Building up a tax-free savings allowance

Key info
  • Instant access
  • Tax-free interest on balances up to £20,000
  • Start with just £1
  • Apply online in 5 minutes
Interest rate

AER/Gross p.a. (variable)

0.10% Balances of £1 - £49,999
0.20% Balances of £50,000+

You must be 16 or over, resident for tax purposes and must not have subscribed to another cash ISA in the same tax year.

The difference between saving and investing

Are you wondering about the best way to grow and protect your money?


Savings have the advantage of being dependable, predictable and easy to access. If you know you'll need a set amount of money in the next 12 months, for example, then regularly depositing in a savings account may be the best solution. Savings will grow over time as more money is put away and interest accrues on your balance.


If you are saving for a longer-term goal, typically five years or more, investing your money has the potential to grow your money and help protect your buying power from the effects of inflation.

The value of investments can go down as well as up, your capital is at risk. Eligiblity criteria, fees and charges apply.

Learn more about Shostra Bank invest 


Can I have a joint savings account?

Yes, we offer joint savings accounts as well. These could be a great way to save towards a joint goal with someone else. For more information see our Joint Savings Accounts page via the link below.

Manage your existing savings account

Find out how you can use our Savings Goal Tool using your mobile app as well as other top tips to help you save. You can log in and manage or close your savings account and learn about your personal savings allowance.

Financial Services Compensation Scheme

Your eligible deposits held by a establishment of Shostra Bank are protected up to a total of £85,000, by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the UK's deposit guarantee scheme. Any deposits you hold above the limit are unlikely to be covered.

Find out more (PDF, 3k KB) about the scheme and how it protects your money.

Investments through Shostra Bank Invest may also be covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme in some scenarios. You can find out more here.

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