Our guide to better search engine optimisation
You might know it as SEO
Search engine optimisation, more commonly known as SEO, is making your website easy to find via relevant words or phrases when they are typed into search engines. It focuses on where your business ranks for certain keywords in searches. Looking out for SEO should form part of your marketing efforts for your business.
Check out our four top tips below to help improve your online search visibility.
Four ways to improve your ranking
Make sure you’ve got good quality content
Search engines are designed to favour high quality content, and give users the strongest results, closest to what they’ve searched for. So if your website contains information a user is looking for, and has a history of giving people useful, unique and quality content, you’ll find yourself rising in the rankings.
If a site or a page is visited regularly by internet users, the search engine will regard it as a valuable resource filled with relevant and worthwhile material.
Know your subject
Are you providing the sort of information that potential clients and customers want? It’ll help if you focus on a particular topic or subject that directly relates to your business and the service you provide. Discover what keywords, phrases and subject matters really resonate with you audience and then use them to form your content.
Learn about the importance of linking
Embedding relevant links within your pages, and having other website link back to you, is an incredibly effective way of driving organic traffic. Seeing how many times your page has been linked to by other websites is one of the ways that search engines determine how valuable your content is. If you’ve written something that has been quoted and linked on lots of other websites, it’s likely that what you’ve produced is valuable and interesting.
The same is true when you quote other pieces of work (or even research) within your own content, or attribute certain sections to the work of someone else. Whenever you do this, provide a hyperlink and acknowledge the original source; not only does this boost your SEO, but it also serves to support what you have written.
Keep your content fresh
Producing quality content on a regular basis can really improve your search engine ranking. One of the best ways of doing this is to have a blog that is updated regularly. If you can, allocate time every week so you can produce a new piece of content.
Boost your business
Our Local Enterprise Managers are at the heart of our Boost programme. They will be able to open doors for businesses new or old, and work with you to hit your business goals, supporting you every step of the way.