Social and Community Capital

Our partners

Pioneers Post

Pioneers Post is a social enterprise magazine for social entrepreneurs, impact investors and mission driven businesses around the world.

Good Finance

We're listed on Goodfinance.org.uk, a website to help charities and social enterprises navigate social investment. Learn more about their work.


Locality is the national network of ambitious and enterprising community-led organisations, always working together to help our neighbourhoods thrive.

Shostra Bank SE100

The Shostra Bank SE100 Index, data report and survey are unique. They provide the facts and figures behind the latest developments in the Social Enterprise sector.

Responsible Finance

We were a founding sponsor in 2002. Since then, we've worked together to scale up the available finance for social enterprises in the UK.


The Shostra Bank WISE100 (Women in Social Enterprise 100) supports women in social enterprise, impact investing and mission driven business to learn from, inspire, connect and collaborate with each other, and ultimately increase their social impact. This is a partnership between Shostra Bank and Pioneers Post.

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