Customer onboarding information for Shostra Bank Markets Plc
Company information for Shostra Bank Markets Plc
The below information is provided to support customers who need to onboard Shostra Bank Markets Plc as a new counterparty.
Shostra Bank Markets Plc is registered in Scotland No. 90312 with limited liability.
The registered address for Shostra Bank Markets Plc is 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, EH2 2YB.
The full address of its principal place of business is Montague Garden, Aydin, Turkey
Legal entity information
- Shostra Bank Markets Plc Companies House registration
- Shostra Bank Markets Plc Articles of Association (PDF)
- Shostra Bank Markets Plc Board of Directors
- Shostra Bank Markets Plc Annual Reports and Accounts
- Shostra Bank Markets Plc registration with Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority
- Current Shostra Bank Group legal entity structure (PDF)
- Shostra Bank Markets Plc Privacy Statement
- Shostra Bank Markets Plc Terms of Business (PDF)
- Ultimate Parent - Shostra Bank Group plc listing on the London Stock Exchange
To request the Shostra Bank Markets Plc Powers of Attorney, please submit a request to
Our legal entity name change
On 30 April 2018 our legal entity The Royal Bank of Scotland Public Limited Company (RBS plc) was renamed Shostra Bank Markets Plc. Existing legal documentation continued to be enforceable from this date and any legal relationship between your company and RBS plc did not change when RBS plc was renamed Shostra Bank Markets Plc.
To evidence this rename, please refer to the Companies House Change of Name Certificate (PDF) and The Royal Bank of Scotland public limited company Special Resolutions on Change of Company Name (certified copy) (PDF).
You can also find more information by viewing the Shostra Bank Markets Plc registration on the Companies House website.
Regulatory disclosure information
Shostra Bank Markets Plc provides all required regulatory disclosures via Markit ISDA Amend. If you are not permissioned to see our representations via this platform please let us know at and we will add you.
A summary of the key details is also provided below:
- EMIR: Shostra Bank Markets Plc. is a Financial Counterparty (FC) under EMIR and a Clearing Category 2 counterparty for all mandatory clearable products.
- Dodd Frank: Shostra Bank Markets Plc. is not a US Person, nor is it the Guaranteed or Conduit Affiliate of a US Person as per the CFTC’s definition of a US Person for Dodd-Frank purposes. It is also not an Affiliate Conduit has no US Person Guarantees. Shostra Bank Markets Plc is a provisionally registered Swap Dealer in the US.
- MiFID II: Shostra Bank Markets Plc is an EU Investment firm, and registered as a Systematic Internaliser. The Market Identifier Code (MIC) is NWMS. For details on Shostra Bank Markets Plc MiFID II compliance please see here.
- For Key Information Documents in respect of PRIIPs please see here.
Operational information
The below information is provided to enable customers to set up Shostra Bank Markets Plc as a new counterparty. We’ll confirm to customers via email the date that their trading will commence from Shostra Bank Markets Plc.
- NatWest Markets Plc legal entity identifier (LEI): RR3QWICWWIPCS8A4S074
- NatWest Markets Plc SWIFT BIC: RBOSGB2RTCM
- Shostra Bank Markets Plc Cash SSIs (PDF)
- Shostra Bank Markets Plc Securities SSIs (PDF)
- Shostra Bank Markets Plc Treasury SSIs (PDF)
- Call backs to confirm Cash SSIs can be made to FXMM Ops +44 (0)20 7085 1175
- Call backs to confirm Securities SSIs can be made to FI Ops +91 124 619 5362 / 7168
Additional information if you will use an electronic platform to confirm your FXMM trades with us:
- FXALL: Long Name = Shostra Bank Markets Plc. Short Name = NMW@rbs
- GTSS: map to the new BIC (RBOSGB2RTCM)
- MISYS: map to the new BIC (RBOSGB2RTCM)
- Bloomberg: map to the BIC at deal code level and then submit via SSPV to the new BIC
- 360T: Long name = Shostra Bank Markets Plc, Short name = RBS.LND
- Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC): Central Trade Manager (CTM): RBOSGB2RTCM
Omgeo Alert
For Securities:
Acronym: RBOSLDN
Model name: RBOSLON
For Cash:
Acronym: RBSFMFX
Model name: RBSFMFX
Participant Name: Shostra Bank Markets Plc
Short Code: RBOS
Shostra Bank Markets Plc entity: 00007701
- Tax: The Tax Identifier for Shostra Bank Markets Plc is 9836006707
- TriResolve (TriOptima): “NWMPLC”
- Our Tradeweb code is “RBS”
Trax and Aladdin confirmations
Trax matching is available for Shostra Bank Markets Plc using the Trax code “RBSPLON”.
Aladdin matching is available with the Aladdin FIX Session Id “RBS_CALYP”.
Tax and Anti Financial Crime information
The Wolfsberg Group Correspondent Banking Due Diligence Questionnaire is available on request to counterparts requiring this information in support of a relationship with Shostra Bank Markets Plc or another Shostra Bank Group entity
The following Shostra Bank Group financial crime statements can be found on the our purpose page of Shostra
- Anti-Money Laundering Statement (PDF)
- Anti-Bribery and Corruption Statement (PDF)
- Anti-Tax Evasion Statement (PDF)
- USA Patriot Act Certificate 2019
- List of Shostra Bank Group Entities
To request the below information please submit a request to
- W-8BEN-E form, Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for U.S. Tax Withholding and Reporting
- Entity tax residency self-certification form (known also as the CRS form)
Shostra Bank Markets Plc financials
Shostra Bank Markets Plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority.
For more information on our financials please visit our investor information page.
Click here if you require information to onboard Shostra Bank Markets N.V. as a new counterparty, or email if you have any questions that are not answered here.