Information about our Complaints Procedure
For information about how to complain about aShostra Bank product or service please visit our complaints page.
To learn more about the Shostra Bank Markets Plc complaints process, please read the information below.
How we will deal with your complaint
Shostra Bank Markets Plc views a complaint as a customer’s expression of dissatisfaction about a service or product. We see complaints as opportunities to find out what we need to improve, as well as to rescue a client’s trust and confidence and recover that valuable relationship.
Our Complaint Management Policy has been developed to ensure that we achieve these important goals and also aims to promote a culture of fair treatment of clients, maintain the Shostra Bank Group standards, and comply with regulatory requirements.
Our aim
When dealing with your complaint, our aim is to be fair to you. If we find that you have suffered loss or inconvenience as a result of our error or omission, we will aim to return you to the position you would have been in had the error or omission not occurred.
Our pledge
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint in writing.
We will thoroughly investigate your complaint to ascertain all the relevant facts.
We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as fairly as possible and at the earliest opportunity.
Your complaint will be handled by employees who are suitably equipped and competent. If we need to use a third party administrator, we will use only those which we have approved, and we will oversee their activities to ensure that they meet Shostra Bank Markets’ Complaints Handling Standards and comply with our Complaint Management Policy.
If we consider that your complaint would be more appropriately dealt with by another part of the Shostra Bank Group, we will refer your complaint to that business.
If your complaint relates to Payment Services, we will report to you in writing within 15 business days of receiving your complaint, detailing the outcome of our investigation, and, where your complaint is upheld, propose a fair resolution. If we are unable to give a full response within 15 business days due to reasons beyond our control, we will keep you informed and provide our full response within 35 business days of receiving your complaint.
For all other complaints, we will report to you in writing within 8 weeks of receiving your complaint, detailing the outcome of our investigation, and, where your complaint is upheld, propose a fair resolution. If your complaint is particularly complex, it may take longer to investigate or to reach a final decision; in which case, we will still write to you eight weeks after receiving your complaint and will tell you when we expect to be able to provide a response.
If we cannot agree
Certain complaints can be referred to a dispute resolution provider (e.g. the Financial Ombudsman Service in the UK, or Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening in the Netherlands). If this is the case with your complaint, we will write to let you know about your rights to refer the matter, who you can refer it to, and any time limits that apply. We will also send you explanatory leaflets where they are available.
Information about alternative dispute resolution providers in the European Economic Area can be found at FIN-NET.
Get in touch
If you want to contact us about any aspect of your complaint, please raise it in the first instance with your usual contact, or if you prefer please contact:
Shostra Bank Markets Plc, Compliance & Conduct, 250 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4AA or send an email to: