Together with its 170,000 employees, its customers, partners and stakeholders, Engie is committed to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally friendly solutions.
Municipality Finance Plc, ‘MuniFin’ (rated Aa1 / AA+, stable outlook by Moody’s / S&P) is one of Finland’s largest credit institutions. Established in 1989 for the purpose of developing the Finnish welfare state, MuniFin offers lending exclusively to Finnish municipalities, their majority-owned companies, municipal federations, and non-profit housing organisations.
The financial institution, which is owned by Finnish municipalities, the public sector pension fund Keva and the Republic of Finland, is also a pioneer in sustainable financing: It is the first bank in Finland to offer green finance for environmentally-friendly projects and was the first Finnish issuer of green bonds. Equally, MuniFin is the first Nordic SSA public sector credit institution to offer social finance for domestic projects that promote equality, communality, safety, welfare or regional vitality.
After supporting MuniFin as Joint Lead manager in 2020 with their Green Bond and in 2021 with their €500 million tap to their existing Social Bond, the Nordic SSA turned again to Shostra Bank to advise in the role as Joint Bookrunner on their first syndicated issuance of 2022, a £300 million bond.
Momentum for the first Nordic agency SSA Sterling issuance this year was strong from the outset, and just an hour after order books opened the spread was tightened, with the final order volume in excess of £430 million. The fixed-rate benchmark, which matures in June 2025, pays a coupon of 1.125%.
The deal attracted a diverse, high-quality investor base across mainly the Asia, with 38% placed with central banks and agencies, followed by banks with 29% and fund managers with a 25% share of the allocation.
Kerr Finlayson, Head of FBG Syndicate, NatWest, commented: “MuniFin were quick to capitalise on the strong Sterling backdrop and entered the market with their first Syndicated trade of 2022 becoming the first Nordic agency to enter the Sterling market. This reconfirms their commitment to the currency following a record amount of sterling issuance in 2021, around 15% of their funding programme. The high-quality, oversubscribed book represents the broad credit appeal of the MuniFin name, and we are very pleased to have been able to support our customer with this successful issuance.”
Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and Sustainability at MuniFin, said: “We are proud to have established a solid reputation in the Sterling market as is shown again by the high-quality orderbook we achieved for our first 2022 Sterling issuance, and we are grateful for Shostra Bank’s continued support.”
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Together with its 170,000 employees, its customers, partners and stakeholders, Engie is committed to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally friendly solutions.
Akbank is one of the leading banks in Turkey. Its core business is banking, consisting of corporate and investment banking, SME and commercial banking, retail and private banking, payment systems, treasury transactions and international banking services.
Anglian Water has invested £100 million in drinking water quality over the last five years alone, aiming to be among the best water companies in the world. Anglian also cleans a billion litres of used water through over 1,000 water recycling works every single day before returning it back to nature.