Contact us

Invoice Finance

Getting in contact by phone, email or post

Get in touch

Main switchboard: (Lines open 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri. Calls may be recorded.)

Call: 0345 300 4024

Email: invoice.finance@rbsif.co.uk


Existing customers

Customer Service:

Call: 0345 608 8022

FacFlow Support (Lines open 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri. Calls may be recorded.)

Call: 0345 300 3714

Write to us

Feedback and complaints

Give us feedback

We're always interested in your feedback - good and bad. So if there's anything you'd like to tell us, contact your Client Manager. 

Make a complaint

If you’re unhappy with any aspect of our service, please tell us immediately. That way we can try to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Rest assured, we take complaints extremely seriously.

Need more support?

Something else we can help you with?

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