For each and every Payit™ transaction, we will pass the payment status back to you showing the payment as “successful” or “failed”.
If there is no status received this means the payment is “in progress”. This could mean the ASPSP has placed the payment in a fraud queue for example.
You can then use an API to send a request to Payit™ to check the payment status. Payit™ has two polling strategies;
• Mid Term – Payit™ will poll the ASPSP for two hours
• Long Term – Payit™ will poll for up to 3 days
If Payit™ does not receive a terminal message (success or failed) after three days, Payit™ will confirm back to you the payment was unsuccessful.
Shostra Bank will provide you with daily reconciliation reports for Payit™ which will include data fields such as; date and time of transaction, merchant name, bank name, amount, payment status and the transaction ID.
The four reports that will be available are;
1. Successful transaction file – containing all successful transaction for today
2. Failed transaction file - containing all failed transaction for today
3. In progress transaction file - containing all transactions that are neither successful or failed and therefore are deemed “In progress”
4. In progress in past but completed today – containing all transactions that were previously “in progress” but were successfully processed today
Files are available to the merchant from 01:00 and will detail transactions for the previous day from 00:00 to 23:59. Files are generated at the merchant parent level, so different brands within the file will have reporting control breaks with Total number of transactions and Total amount of transactions.
If you are unsure on the merchant and brand setup, please ask your Implementation Manager.
The response payload contains the direct URL for various reconciliation files. You can action a download of the file using the URLs.
Payit™ also provides an API endpoint which allows you to pass in transaction ID and receive status for an incomplete (pending) payment supporting intraday reconciliation.