Banking with us

Setting up text alerts

What are text alerts?

Text alerts help to give you more control over your money. You can set up Act Now Alerts, Arranged overdraft alerts, upper and lower balance limit alerts and mini statement alerts which you'll receive by text message.

Act Now Alerts

Act Now Alerts will tell you when you go into an unarranged overdraft or are about to have a payment rejected.

Act Now Alerts will help you stay aware of your overdraft use and manage the costs more efficiently.

You can select how you wish to receive Act Now Alerts and switch them on and off through Online Banking or the Shostra Bank app.


Arranged overdraft alerts

If you apply for an overdraft, you will also be enrolled to receive text alerts when you use your arranged overdraft.

Being enrolled for arranged overdraft alerts will help you stay aware of your overdraft use and manage the costs more efficiently.

You can select how you wish to receive arranged overdraft alerts and switch them on and off through Online Banking or the Shostra Bank app.

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What you'll need


The mobile app

Your step-by-step guide:

  1. 01

    Log in to the mobile app

  2. 02

    Select the profile icon to the top right of the screen

  3. 03

    Select settings

  4. 04

    Select 'Alerts'

  5. 05

    View 'Activity Alerts' will show you what activity alerts you have set up. These can only be amended via Online Banking

  6. 06

    Selecting an account will allow you to amend the alerts for each, including – Act Now Alerts, arranged overdraft alerts and Balance Alerts

  7. 07

    To amend how Act Now Alerts or arranged overdraft alerts are sent, simply tap on the option, and select the text, email or ‘both’ option and tap ‘save’.

    Please note: to save on Apple devices (iOS), tap on the back button to save your preferences

  8. 08

    To amend Balance Alerts tap on the option, then set a lower balance and/or a higher balance and then tap 'save'

What you'll need


Your Online Banking login details

Your step-by-step guide:

  1. 01

    Log into your Online Banking and select 'Alerts' from the top left-hand side

  2. 02

    From the Alerts home page, select 'Manage my Alerts'

  3. 03

    You'll see your current settings. To change them, select 'Amend alerts settings'

  4. 04

    Use the dropdown bar on the right-hand side of each alert to set them to text

  5. 05

    For balance alerts, enter the value you wish to be alerted at. Select 'next'

  6. 06

    You can now review all your alerts and make sure you're happy

  7. 07

    You'll see confirmation on screen telling you that your alerts are active