Ways to Bank

Going Paperless

Going paperless

Make the switch to paperless for each of your accounts and get statements, mail or both all in one easily accessible place.

View, download and send up to 7 years of statements and 3 years of correspondence 

No more filing and never lose an important document 

Use your online statement as proof of identity, address or income

We’ll even send you an alert to let you know when you’ve got new mail so you can arrange payment for your credit card.

Where do I find my statements and correspondence?

Your statements

Statements are saved in the 'Statements' area on the left panel of your Online Banking. Select the 'View, save and print PDF statements and certificates of interest' option. 

You can also view your credit card statements in our Mobile App. Tap on your Shostra Bank credit card in the app and select the ‘Statement’ option.

Your correspondence

Your correspondence are saved in the 'Mailbox' on the left panel of your Online Banking. 

If you switch to paperless correspondence, we may occasionally still send selected important mail to you by post.

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What you'll need


Access to Online Banking

You’ll need an account which is eligible to switch to paperless statements or correspondence

Not registered for Online Banking?  Sign up today

Your step-by-step guide:

  1. 01

    Login to Online Banking

  2. 02

    Select 'Paperless settings' from the left hand menu

  3. 03

    Once you’re on the 'Paperless settings' page:

    • If you want to make all your eligible accounts paperless, click 'yes, go paperless for all accounts' at the top
    • Or, if you want to select paperless for your eligible accounts individually, click the 'Online' option next to each account
  4. 04

    Don’t forget to check we have your email address when switching to paperless

  5. 05

    Click, next and follow the onscreen instructions to confirm your paperless settings



If you go paperless and choose online statements, you’ll find them within the Statements section of Online Banking.

Other mail: 

If you switch your other mail to online, we’ll send your mail to your Online Banking Mailbox. 

Note: You can switch some or all of your accounts to paperless, and you can switch back to paper at any time should you need to.

What you'll need


Access to our App

A Shostra Bank Mastercard credit card


It's quick and easy to switch your Shostra Bank Mastercard to paperless statements through our app.


We’ll notify you when your statement is ready to view so you can arrange payment, unless you’ve already set up a Direct Debit.


Your step-by-step guide:

  1. 01

    Log into the app and navigate to your Shostra Bank Mastercard

  2. 02

    Select the 'My statement' option

  3. 03

    Select the 'Get statements' option on the top

  4. 04

    You would be on the 'Delivery preferences', select 'By email' option to go paperless


Note: You can switch back to paper statements at any time.


Your next steps:

To switch your other accounts to paperless statements or paperless mail, just login to Online Banking and select the ‘Paperless settings’ option from the left hand menu.